Welcome back to our “Ask an Attorney” series! At Cape Law, we strive to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the legal landscape confidently. Our mission is to provide affordable, approachable, and efficient legal services to individuals and small businesses. If you missed our previous installments, you can catch up on Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, and Part Seven.
In this installment, we’re addressing some of the most frequently asked questions from our legal forum. Each question links to a detailed answer provided by our experienced attorneys. Let’s dive in:
Questions and Answers
What can tenants do about a landlord’s online defamation? If your landlord is online defaming you, it’s crucial to know your rights and possible actions. Learn more about tenant options for landlord defamation.
How can subcontractors recover unpaid invoices? Unpaid invoices can significantly impact a subcontractor’s business. Discover the steps to recover unpaid invoices as a subcontractor.
Can dealerships be liable for incomplete diagnostics? If you’ve experienced incomplete diagnostics from a dealership, understanding liability can help you take appropriate action. Find out if dealerships can be held liable for incomplete diagnostics.
How do I legally enforce a loan given on a “handshake” agreement? Enforcing a verbal loan agreement can be challenging but not impossible. Learn how to enforce a handshake loan.
Is firing based on a manager’s comments wrongful termination? Understanding the nuances of wrongful termination is essential if you believe you were unjustly fired. Explore whether being fired due to a manager’s comments constitutes wrongful termination.
Is an email about payment legally binding? Emails can sometimes serve as binding agreements. Discover if an email about payment is legally binding.
What if my car is damaged during an oil change? Vehicle damage during a service appointment can be frustrating. Learn what to do if your car is damaged during an oil change.
What if my subtenant stops paying rent? Dealing with a non-paying subtenant can be tricky. Find out your options when a subtenant stops paying rent.
How can a landlord recover unpaid rent from an evicted tenant? Recovering unpaid rent post-eviction requires specific legal steps. Learn how landlords can recover unpaid rent after eviction.
Is physical presence required to file a legal action in small claims court in another state? Filing a small claims case out of state can be complicated. Understand if physical presence is needed for out-of-state small claims filings.
What if a contractor damages my property during a home renovation? Property damage during renovation can lead to disputes. Find out what to do if a contractor damages your property.
Can I be compensated for being placed in a different hotel? Hotel mishaps can disrupt your plans. Learn if you can be compensated for being placed in a different hotel.
If a co-tenant moves out, should they still be included in the legal action against the landlord? Handling co-tenant issues requires clarity. Determine if a co-tenant should be included in a legal action against the landlord.
Can I dispute the purchase of a car if the dealership did not disclose its true conditions? Hidden conditions in a car purchase can be problematic. Learn how to dispute a car purchase with undisclosed conditions.
How do I prepare evidence for a small claims trial on Zoom? Virtual trials require proper preparation. Find out how to present documents in a Zoom trial.
How do I get a refund for a cosmetic procedure that I didn’t have? Unwanted cosmetic procedures can be distressing. Learn how to get a refund for a cosmetic procedure you didn’t have.
How do I reclaim the costs of having to vacate due to mold? Mold issues can lead to significant expenses. Discover how to reclaim costs related to mold-related tenant expenses.
What if I get a citation because my company truck is not properly registered? Understanding your rights regarding company vehicle citations is essential. Find out what to do if your work truck is unregistered.
How do I get my things back from an ex? Personal property disputes after a breakup can be challenging. Learn how to reclaim personal items from an ex.
Can a tenant with an emotional support animal be evicted? Emotional support animals and eviction laws can be complex. Understand if eviction can proceed with a service dog in training.
We hope these answers provide you with valuable insights. Remember, our goal at Cape Law is to make the legal process as straightforward and accessible as possible. Stay tuned for more questions and answers in our next installment!
Feel free to reach out with your legal questions, and let us help you navigate your legal journey.
Disclaimer: This article is provided as general information, not legal advice, and may not reflect the current laws in your state. It does not create an attorney-client relationship and is not a substitute for seeking legal counsel based on the facts of your circumstance. No reader should act based on this article without seeking legal advice from a lawyer licensed in their state. This page includes links to third party websites. The inclusion of third party websites is not an endorsement of their services.